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Oppo Dialer APK Download Latest Version (v13.3.5) 2024 for Android

Oppo Dialer
App Name Oppo Dialer
Latest Version v13.3.5
Last Updated 17 May 2024
Publisher Gotmodapk.com
Requires Android 4.4
Category Communication
Size 25.4 MB
MOD Feature For Android
4.6/5 Rating (3864)


In the dynamic realm of smartphones, Oppo stands as a beacon of innovation, consistently pushing the boundaries of technology to provide users with exceptional experiences. Central to this commitment is the Oppo Dialer APK, a cornerstone of seamless communication on Oppo devices. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the layers of its user- friendly design, cutting-edge features, and the technology that makes Oppo’s dialer a standout in the smartphone landscape.
Oppo Dialer APK1

Oppo Dialer Apk:

In the ever-evolving landscape of smartphones, where seamless communication is paramount, Oppo takes center stage with its groundbreaking innovation. At the heart of this transformative experience lies the Oppo Dialer APK, a feature-rich application designed to redefine the way we connect. Join us on a journey to discover why downloading the Oppo Dialer APK is not just an option but a compelling choice for those seeking an unparalleled calling experience on their Oppo smartphones.

Updated and Advanced Key Features:

Smart Dialing Delight:

Oppo’s commitment to user convenience is exemplified in the smart dialing functionality embedded within the Oppo Dialer APK. Seamlessly predicting and displaying relevant contacts in real-time, this feature transforms the calling experience into an intuitive and time- saving endeavor. Whether you’re reaching out by name or number, Oppo’s smart dialing ensures swift and accurate connections.

HD Voice Calls for Crystal-Clear Conversations:

Elevate your conversations with Oppo’s support for HD voice calls. The Dialer APK ensures that each spoken word resonates with clarity, providing an unparalleled calling experience. Whether you’re in a bustling city or a quiet room, Oppo’s dedication to HD voice calls ensures that communication is always crystal-clear. Efficient Call Management Tools: The Oppo Dialer APK goes beyond the basics, offering a suite of tools for efficient call management. Easily navigate through call logs, filter based on specific criteria, and take control of your contacts with options for addition, editing, and deletion. The app’s detailed call history empowers users to analyze their communication patterns effortlessly.

Integrated Features Enhancing Functionality:

Oppo’s commitment to innovation extends to the integration of additional features within the dialer application. Experience the convenience of call recording, the assurance of call blocking, and the accessibility of voicemail—all seamlessly integrated to augment the functionality of the Oppo Dialer App.
Oppo Dialer

Tailored Customization Options:

Recognizing the diversity of user preferences, Oppo ensures a personalized calling experience with customization options. From setting unique ringtones to customizing contact display preferences, the Oppo Dialer APK allows users to tailor the app to suit their individual needs, making each call uniquely their own.

Security and Privacy at the Forefront:

Oppo places a paramount focus on user security and privacy. The Dialer APK incorporates features such as call blocking and identification, shielding users from unwanted or spam calls. Adhering to the latest privacy standards, Oppo ensures that user data is handled securely, providing peace of mind in an interconnected world. Seamless Contact Synchronization: Oppo Dialer APK effortlessly synchronizes contacts across devices, ensuring a seamless transition between your Oppo smartphone and other connected devices. This feature guarantees that your contact list is consistently up-to-date, eliminating the hassle of manual updates. Dynamic Theme Customization: Transform your dialer interface with dynamic theme customization options. Express your style by choosing from a plethora of themes that not only enhance aesthetics but also provide a personalized touch to your Oppo calling experience. From vibrant colors to subtle tones, the choice is yours.

Real-time Call Analytics:

Elevate your call management further with real-time call analytics. Oppo’s Dialer APK provides insightful statistics, allowing you to track call durations, frequently contacted numbers, and more. Stay in control of your communication patterns and make informed decisions based on your calling habits. Voice Command Integration: Embrace hands-free convenience with voice command integration. Oppo Dialer APK responds to your voice commands, allowing you to make calls, search contacts, and perform various actions without lifting a finger. It’s a futuristic touch that aligns with Oppo’s commitment to cutting-edge technology.

Collaborative Call Notes:

Foster collaboration and enhance communication with collaborative call notes. Easily share and access notes during calls, ensuring that important details are captured and shared seamlessly. Whether it’s a business meeting or a casual conversation, Oppo’s Dialer APK empowers users to stay organized and informed. As Oppo continues to redefine the smartphone experience, the Dialer APK emerges as a powerhouse of features designed to cater to diverse user needs. From seamless synchronization to dynamic customization, Oppo’s commitment to innovation shines through, providing users with a communication tool that goes beyond the ordinary.

What are the Pros and Cons of Oppo Dialer Apk?


  • Seamless smart dialing enhances user convenience, predicting contacts in real- time.
  • HD voice calls ensure crystal-clear communication, even in noisy environments.
  • Efficient call management tools offer detailed call logs and customizable contact options.
  • Integrated features like call recording and blocking augment the dialer’s functionality.
  • Real-time call analytics empower users with insights into their communication patterns.
  • Voice command integration offers hands- free convenience.
  • Collaborative call notes foster communication and organization during calls.


  • Limited availability of certain advanced features on older Oppo smartphone models.
  • Theme customization options may vary, with some themes limited in availability.

How to Download the Oppo Dialer APK?

  • Visit the official Oppo website or a trusted app repository to download the latest version of the Oppo Dialer APK.
  • Navigate to your device’s settings, locate “Security” or “Privacy,” and enable the option to install apps from unknown sources to install the Oppo Dialer APK.
  • Locate the downloaded Oppo Dialer APK file in your device’s file manager and tap on it to initiate the installation process.
  • Grant the necessary permissions to ensure the smooth functioning of the Oppo Dialer on your device.
  • Once installed, open the Oppo Dialer APK, and follow the on-screen instructions to set it as your default dialer for an enhanced calling experience on your Oppo smartphone.


Q. Is the Oppo Dialer APK available for all Oppo smartphones?

Yes, the Oppo Dialer APK is compatible with a wide range of Oppo smartphones, providing a consistent calling experience across various models.

Q. Can I access real-time call analytics on the Oppo Dialer?

Yes, the Oppo Dialer APK provides real- time call analytics, offering insights into call durations, frequently contacted numbers, and more.


The Oppo Dialer APK is a feature-rich application designed by Oppo for its smartphones, offering users an enhanced and personalized calling experience. With smart dialing, HD voice calls, seamless contact synchronization, and various customization options, it serves as the default dialer application on Oppo devices, embodying innovation, convenience, and security in the realm of smartphone communication. Users can install and utilize the Oppo Dialer APK to enjoy a range of advanced features, from real-time call analytics to collaborative call notes, all contributing to an unparalleled communication journey.

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