Home Games Action Legend of The Moon2

Legend of The Moon2 Mod Apk v0.1 (Vip Unlocked) For Android 2024

Legend of The Moon2
App Name Legend of The Moon2
Latest Version v0.1
Last Updated 17 May 2024
Publisher Gotmodapk.com
Requires Android 4.4
Category Action
Size 161 MB
MOD Feature Vip Unlocked
4.8/5 Rating (2453)

Legend of The Moon2 mod apk is an exciting fun, 3D shooting game where you use colorful missiles and shoot your enemies in space. This Legend of the Moon has different game levels and faces differnt enemies from all over the galaxy. Features of Moon 2 apk game made it amazing for users like smooth control, in-depth systems, various events,  43 unique stages,

and some others. It has no ads and supports all other devices, like Legend of the Moon 2 for PC, or  Legend for iOS, and some other devices.

Space Missions & Missile Adventure

  1. The player is equipped with powerful, colorful missiles
  2. It provides cool action to destroy the pouring enemies.
  3. With the story of moving towards the moon
  4. Each stage has a unique map composition and level design
  5. It’s made to provide new fun every time.
  6. You want to focus on becoming the main character.

Enjoy thrilling battles against alien invasions

When you play this game, your main focus is to destroy all the enemies. You avoid getting hit by their bullets. Your mission is to take down all enemies, and you also control the spaceship. As you go further in the game, you’ll face together enemies. You want to use your expertise and your style of playing the game will change your failure into a win. When you use better weapons and abilities then hundred a 100% chance that you win the game.

Features of Legend of the Moon 2 Apk for Android

  1. You can use it free of cost.
  2. This app allows you to play it without an internet connection.
  3. All data of this game is stored in your phone. When you delete the game, your data is also deleted.
  4. An easy gameplay option is also available and you play it with one hand.
  5. Users also use two different weapons at the same time, like fighter jets and colorful ones.
  6. Legend of the Moon 2 has 43 different and unique game challenges.
  7. A target mission exists for each stage.
  8. RPG lovers also Enjoy the wonderful storyline from earth to the moon, and battle with the giant boss.
  9. Users also use thier expertise in this game like a fighter jet and other skills to become powerful.
  10. If you find it difficult, you can use its slow function.

Legend of The Moon2 mod APK Requirements

  1. This app supports a 2.3 or higher version for Android devices and tablets.
  2. It requires 27 MB or more storage space in your Mobile device.
  3. This version fixes Minor bugs and also improves them.
  4. An Internet connection is not required to play the game.

How to download and install Legend of The Moon2 Mod APK

To download the Legend of The Moon2 mod apk on your Android device follow these simple and easy steps that are given below:

  1. First, Click on the download button of the Legend of The Moon2 mod apk. Its download link is given above in the article. Press this button.
  2. Now, select the APK file and click on the install button. Your file downloading process is starting.
  3. After that Mod Apk file downloads in a few seconds on your Android device.
  4. After that, go to the file manager, Apks option, then setting and unable all unknown resources.
  5. Click on the install button and then click on “open” and open it.
  6. Now, your file is downloaded and you can enjoy this game.

What’s New in the Latest Version

  1. System improvement
  2. graphic upgrade.


Why can’t I install Legend of The Moon2 mod apk?

If you want to download the Legend of The Moon2 mod apk app and this does not work on your Android devices. Due to lack of storage, poor network connection, or compatibility of your Android device. If you installed an Old version of the APK file then, it does not work on your mobile.

What is Legend of The Moon2 Mod APK?

Legend of The Moon2 Apk is an Android game where you can fight against enemies in space. You can control a spaceship and play different levels without an internet connection.


Legend of The Moon2 apk is a space battle game, that has colorful missiles, maps, 3D Shooting options, and many more. In this game you play the role of the main character, control the spaceship ship, and fight against enemies. You face 48 differnet game challanges. It has a simple interface and has no ads.

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