Home Games Arcade Jewels Charm

Jewels Charm Mod Apk v2.91.3 (Coins/Lives/Boosters) For Android 2024

Jewels Charm
App Name Jewels Charm
Latest Version v2.91.3
Last Updated 17 May 2024
Publisher Gotmodapk.com
Requires Android 4.4
Category Arcade
Size 45.9 MB
MOD Feature Coins/Lives/Boosters
4.8/5 Rating (2542)

Jewels Charm Mod Apk game is a planet puzzle game, that people play online or offline.it is developed by A V A Smart Games.  In this game, challenge yourself and find hundreds of new stages to reach the highest levels. Users Play hundreds of levels of addictive match-3 puzzles in the ultimate game. They can play it anywhere or anytime when they want. No internet connection is required to play this Jewels Charm Mod Apk. users enjoy 2,000 different and difficult game challenges.

Jewels Charm Mod Apk Game Features

  1. You can enjoy 190 different levels with unique designs and 3 world scenes.
  2. It is a very funny game and easy to learn, but a real challenge to master in it.
  3. You can design jewelry for the Princess’s wedding.
  4. If you participate in competitions, you can also prove your jewelry-making skills.
  5. This game allows you to use Master magic tools
  6. Users also enjoy a delightful fairy tale
  7. You can face three challenging gaming modes with high scores
  8. This game has beautiful 3d Graphics and visual effects
  9. You can check the highest score of your friend as compared to you.
  10. In this game, sometimes face enemies, dangerous people, and thefts
  11.  No internet or Wi-Fi connection is required to play this game.
  12. When you win the game levels, this game provides you with amazing rewards and gifts.
  13. Daily bonuses, gifts, 2,000 Challenges, and many more fun surprises.


  1. People enjoy a comfortable experience with the classic style of Jewels
  2. Daily bonuses, gifts, Countless rewards, Free boosters, and many more fun surprises.
  3. No Ads, free and premium
  4. Many different types of puzzles in just one game.
  5. Easy to control and magical booster
  6. Do not require an internet connection.

How to play

  1. Match 3 or more jewels to make them disappear.
  2. Remove all the blocks to finish the mission.
  3. Collect all types of treasures to win the level before run out of time.

What’s New in the Latest Version

  1. Update Google Play Services
  2. Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  3. Install or update to the newest version to check it out.

How to Install Jewels Charm mod apk?

To download the Jewels Charm mod apk on your Android device follow these simple and easy steps that are given below:

  1. First, Click on the download button of the Jewels Charm mod apk. Its download link is given above in the article. Press this button.
  2. Now, select the APK file and click on the install button. Your file downloading process is starting.
  3. After that Mod Apk file downloads in a few seconds on your Android device.
  4. After that, go to the file manager, Apks option, then setting and unable all unknown resources.
  5. Click on the install button and then click on “open” and open it.
  6. Now, your file is downloaded and you can enjoy this game.

Is Jewels Charm: Match 3 Legend Mod Safe?

Yes, this Jewels Charm mod apk is a 100% safe and secure application. We scanned this jewel charm from our Anti-Malware platform and these platforms did not detect any viruses. Our antivirus platforms include AOL Active Virus Shield, avast, AVG, Clam AntiVirus, and some others. These anti-malware engine filters classify them according to their work and performance.

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